
Here you can calculate and offset emissions from energy consumption, mobility and print materials. You will receive a personal certificate and a conformation of donation from Klima-Kollekte. Your contribution to climate protection is tax-deductible.

Mobility, Household, Organisation, Company

Here you can calculate and compensate your emissions from energy, mobility and paper.

Zum CO2-Rechner


Operating a website

Operating a website

Questions about the calculator

Klima-Kollekte uses the CO2-calculator from KlimAktiv, which is a non-profit privat limited company (gGmbH). KlimAktiv designed the software and is responsible for its further development and the distribution of the tool.

The emission factors are based on the latest scientific findings. The factors were developed by KlimAktiv gGmbH and ifeu (Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH).

"What is special about our CO2-calculator?"

  • The emission factors used by the CO2-calculator are based ont the latest scientific findings.The factors were developed by the non-profit private limited company KlimAktiv (gGmbH) and ifeu (Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH).

  • KlimAktiv updates the factors yearly.

  • The CO2-calculator was developed for the German Enviroment Agency (Umweltbundesamt - UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection and it is used by them.

  • Besides CO2, the calculator takes into account all other greenhouse gases from the in 1997 resolved Kyoto Protocol, e.g. Methane and nitrous oxide. All relevant greenhouse gas emissions are converted into CO2 equivalents.

  • Other CO2-calculator include only or primarily mobility. Our calculator is able to calculate more areas of our lives: you can calculate electricity consumption, thermal energy, events, paper & printed material, accommodation and diverse option of mobility like car, train or ferry.


„Where are the factors for the calculator come from?"“

The calculator of Klima Kollekte is fed with data from KlimAktiv. The non-profit private limited company (gGmbH) calculates its data using data from ifeu (Institut für Energie und Umweltforschung, Heidelberg), in particular according to the Transport Emission Model (TREMOD) developed there, GEMIS, Ecoinvernt, IPPC.

„Why did Klima-Kollekte decide to cooperate with KlimAktiv for the CO2 calculator?“

„How often is the data updated?“

KlimAktiv checks their factors regularly. Once a year (beginning of the year), every factor is updated.

„Can I offset emissions from other areas besides air travel?"

  • Yes, it is important to the Klima-Kollekte to be able to calculate the emissions of other areas than air travel. Therefore, we also offer factors for the areas of energy, events (accommodation, catering), paper and printed materials.
  • Emissions can also be calculated for the use of other means of transport (car, ferry public transport, long-distance train).
  • If you know the electricity consumption of your e-bike or e-scooter, the emissions can be calculated using our calculator in the energy section.
  • If you want to calculate the emissions of a website, contact us. We can also try to determine other areas for you that are not listed in the CO2 calculator. To do this, please send us an enquiry by email to

„Why does the calculator also have emission factors for rail travel or the use of green electricity?"

Deutsche Bahn advertises that it is the most climate-friendly means of transport. In the ICE, passengers are even supposed to travel with zero emissions. However, from our point of view, zero emissions are not possible, because the construction of stations, the maintenance of trains and finally the disposal of rails, etc. require energy and even the journeys of the DB fleet are not completely CO2-free. Only about half of the electricity comes from renewable sources. In mathematical terms, this is sufficient for long-distance passengers, but it is also bad for the account of local trains.

The same can be said about green electricity: Where it says green electricity on the outside, it does not necessarily contain only green electricity. Our factor for certified green electricity should only be used to calculate the consumption of electricity providers with the ok-power-label or the Grüner-Strom label. All other electricity providers do not sufficiently fulfil these strict criteria, as they do not promote the energy transition, for example.

„I would like to donate to climate protection without any prior calculations. Is that possible?“

Yes, this is possible by clicking on the button "Calculate and compensate emissions now" at the bottom right of the website; a popup field "Direct compensation" opens - here you can enter a specific amount of money or a certain amount of CO2 emissions and offset them. You will also find this option in the center of the homepage, highlighted in the circular element, as well as in the start slider via the icons "Simply compensate!" and "CO2 footprint".

„The calculator cannot find my airport. What can I do?"

Try the English name of the place or search the internet for the code of the airport (IATA). If you were unable to find the German name of the destination or departure city in the calculator, please let us know at We will then ensure that the city is added to the calculator as quickly as possible.

Questions about online payment, certificate and donation confirmation

You are able to calculate and compensate your emissions via Klima-Kollekte. You will receive a personal climate protection certificate for your contribution and a donation receipt.

We are recognized by the tax office for the promotion of environmental protection, the promotion of an international mindset, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding as well as the promotion of development cooperation and you can claim your contribution accordingly in the annual wage tax adjustment.

„What payment options do I have?"

You can settle your emissions either directly online or by bank transfer. You can pay online by credit card, SEPA direct debit, PayPal and paydirekt. If you would like to transfer the amount of the compensation contribution, you can create an invoice and transfer it later, stating the invoice number. After we have received your payment, you will receive an email from us stating that your documents (donation confirmation and climate protection certificates) are now available to you.

„Can I deduct my compensation contribution from my tax bill?"

Yes, we are exempt from corporate income tax for the last assessment period 2020 (10.05.2022) according to § 5 para. 1 no. 9 of the Corporate Income Tax Act of 15 February 2019 and from trade tax according to § 3 no. 6 of the Trade Tax Act. This is due to our promotion of environmental protection, the promotion of international sentiments, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding as well as the promotion of development cooperation according to the annex to the corporate income tax assessment notice (Körperschaftsteuerbescheid) of the Heidelberg Tax Office, StNr. 32489/21297.

You can download your donation confirmation in your customer account. If you have paid online, this is possible directly after the payment. If you transfer the compensation contribution, you will receive an e-mail from us after receipt of payment with a reference to your donation confirmation and your certificate. It is important that you log into your customer account before the compensation.

"Is a regular payment to Klima-Kollekte possible?"

You can initiate a monthly offset to Klima-Kollekte in the form of a standing order. The advantage is that the bank does not retain any fees for the transaction and so the entire climate protection amount goes to us, without any deduction of bank fees.

Our bank details at the Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG are: IBAN: DE31 3506 0190 1014 3650 16, BIC: GENODED1DKD.

If you would like to receive a climate protection certificate as well as a donation receipt at the beginning of the new year for the total amount of the previous year, please still send us your address by email to or in the comment field of the standing order.

Calculate and compensate emissions now